Call me a LIAR, (AW)
slightly fail post D: Gemma is trying to embarass him by being flirty XD

His sheepish behavior caused her to laugh, he looked so achingly cute in a charming young boyish way, Gemma wished that she could have had a chance to experience all the awkwardness and fun times that came with youth but alas it was not to be. Taken from such charms and feelings before she was ready the hybrid had been forced into a dark world of blood, rape and violence. She expelled a breath and looked out into the wide world around them, his unmeant words amused her instead of upset,

"It's alright." She turned her head and peered at him as though seeing him for the first time,

"You know, I never put much stock in being good, when its so much more fun to be naughty." She gave him a mischievous grin and a wink, intrigued by him now, he was an interesting boy to say the least. A wind sprung up and caressed them gently, tugging at her curly locks and making them dance in the air. She winced as one of the pups decided against her spine would be a good place to rest and sent spasms of pain up her back and made her fingers twitch. She felt a kick and smiled to herself, a hand resting on her over large stomach.

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