The pitter-patter of little feet...

He reached over and idly scratched the goat's head. He wasn't used to having a pet, but it was growing on him. His mind was going over the things he wanted to set up in their house. The sterilized rain water, for drinking and cooking. The herb garden out back. He needed to get his dried meat to her house as well. He had a store of firewood set up at the other house, he needed to check the chimney here. Her words about the future stopped him cold, and he turned a surprised look on her. It wasn't an unpleasantly surprised look, but more the look of a child who got caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

He pressed his nose to hers gently while she looked up at him. "Liam would do well with younger wolves around, I think." Truthfully, he didn't know. And he didn't know the small mental issue his mate and his son shared to varying extents. Liam's was far more severe than Sky's. Tal had never even realized Sky had any mental issues, where as he suspected it with his son.

"My love, if you want to have pups... I would be honored for you to be my childrens' mother." The slight concern he had in regards to Liam and siblings melted away, pushed out by the very appealing image of a naked and pregnant Sky. His lips curved into a soft smile, and he kissed her again, his tail thudding on the soft worn fabric of the couch.


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