the proof is in the fire
Taliesin was wandering, as he had been for the past couple of days, when he came across the city of Halifax; the city simply reeked of adventure! Or maybe, it just reeked, Tal wasn't sure. Either way he desperately wanted to explore! Something told him that there was someone to meet inside, though the city seemed rather abandoned, at least where he was. Maybe he was wrong, but he had found that on a few occasions on the trip out of Twilight Vale that he had a knack for these things. He had sensed he presence of a mouse at one point, and had even caught it, and at one point his gut told him not to go through the one grove; when he was up and almost over it along the rocky path to it's side he saw the bear that his gut had warned him to avoid. So he was fairly sure that he would be right, or at least he hoped so.

Still he wondered why he had these messages, where are they from, will they always be right, should he keep listening? It was puzzling, but what could the pup do? He would ask mum if her found her... it bothered Taliesin that he STILL hadn't found Deuce, he missed his mum, and knew that surely she was around somewhere. Maybe she was the one he would fin here! The thought excited Tal so he started off at a trot, his tail eagerly wagging. "Hewwooo?" he called hoping his mum was nearby, near enough to hear him. "Mum? Muma?" he cried loudly not at all thinking of the potential danger; the adventurous youth rarely, if ever, thought of the danger.

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