Riding through the glen... [p]

Yeah I can see Robin getting over excited and trying to shoot a target and missing and hitting someone else XD. That would not be good. And I thought I'd use this table so we match XD WC: 1026

The little patchwork girl was getting used to this walking thing, perhaps it wasn't as bad as she had thought after all, her father told her to be careful when using her tail, if she wagged it too much then she might fall down, this made sense to her, it seemed very long in comparison to her small frame now, the extra weight shifting this way and that would indeed send her off balance. So now she was concentrating hard on not wagging her tail so much, simply moving it from side to side as it was needed, using it as a counterbalance when she started to wobble one way or the other, trying not to rely on her father too much, for after all her daddy would not always be there to hold her hand as she walked around. She smiled up at him every now and again, still holding his hand tightly, but daring to let go of his upper arm, trying to work out how she would use her arms and hands in relation to the rest of her body in this form, she could start with one and then move on to walking unaided. The little female stopped as her father spoke again, explaining that he himself had had difficulties learning to walk in his Optime form when he had first found out that he could, saying that he thought that it was most likely that everyone did. She could not imagine that, no matter how she tried, the idea that her tall orange father would have been a small ochre creature stumbling just as she was now seemed miles away from what he was today, this idea gave her hope though, perhaps she would soon be able to do all of the things that she wanted to, like firing a bow, perhaps she should work on keeping upright at the moment, holding a bow when she was prone to falling over was perhaps not the best idea, she could really hurt herself or someone else. The little patchwork girl giggled as she again tried to imagine her father being her size and falling all over the place, finally managing it, the very idea that he might have once been the size of herself and her siblings made her giggle, especially that he would have once had these clumsy moments, just as she was now, when his feet were too large for his legs and his tail kept getting in the way. Her own tail began to wag again and she began to wobble, but managed to stop herself before she toppled over once again.
“I bet you looked funny Daddy! Did you fall down this much?” She asked, giggling still, looking up at her father with her usual grin.

Hope was restored when he told her that it did not take him very long to get the hang of walking, this meant that the little female would no doubt be very good at it in no time, after all she had to be good at things if she was going to be a hero, so she would not doubt pick this skill up very quickly, the next steps would be running and skipping and climbing trees, she would soon be trying those as well, skinned knees and bruised shins were no doubt on the horizon. Her tail wagged a little as she thought of all the new adventures that she might have with this new form, finally she'd be able to hold her own books, and she would be able to climb trees properly, not sliding down them because she had nowhere to place her paws. She was being careful not to wag it too much now though, but it was difficult, she had never really had to think of her tail as being seperate from herself, she had never had to think about controlling it before, it was simply just always behind her, wagging here and there as it pleased, but now it was the enemy, it needed to be controlled like an unruly child, randomly causing trouble for Robin. She looked up at her father as the subject of the bow rolled around, he said that she was allowed to have one, for a moment she let go of his hand, performing an odd little static jump, more just bending her knees without leaving the ground, for fear that she wouldn't manage to land neatly and topple over again, she clapped her hands together with delight. Oh how exciting! She would finally be able to learn to use a bow, though she doubted that there would be much learning required, she was getting the hang of the walking very quickly and it was very hard, her Daddy had said himself that everyone struggled at the beginning, surely she would be a fantastic archer. And then she would soon be able to be like Robin Hood, she could get Linden and Felicity to be in her gang, proper Merry Men for her Robin Hood, oh how exciting it was all going to be. She would soon be an adventurer and explorer and be able to go out and help those in need and protect the lands, just like her Daddy. Oh how exciting it all was for her, she could barely wait. Though of course this happiness came with a lecture on safety, the little female nodded as he father said that he wanted someone to teach her how to use it properly and that she must be careful not to hurt anyone.
"Oh Daddy, you really mean that I can have a bow? Oh how exciting! Where could we get one from? Do you know anyone that could get me one? And don't worry, I don't want to hurt anyone, I will be careful with the bow, I promise! I will make sure to only shoot at targets when no-one is around." The little female replied, grinning at her father, before beginning more wobbly steps again, she needed to practice so that she would not fall over with her bow if she was going to finally be allowed it!

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Table by Erin

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