Rescue Rangers

Word Count :: 477 sorry for the wait

The three pups were a handful to the single woman and her owl. Hextor found himself bothered more than enough by the three pups that were not birthed by the de le Poer woman, but they were her sisters. Valkyrie loved puppies and her sisters, but she would have never expected that three of them would wear her out so much, so fast. Her sisters and brother were down for the night though, which had been a task in itself because she had to make up new stories for them every night so they could fall asleep and sometimes only two of them would fall asleep and then the last one was wide awake so she would have to find some other way to bore them to bed with their ever curious minds. Very tiring, and so tiring that she often times would not want to go out and hunt for herself and the pups as well. This was an early morning task now. Hextor did not like the fact that she had less time to spend with him, but he could not do much about this so he just kept to himself about his issues with the pups and he just simply watched in silence. Tonight, she laid in her bed (separate from her siblings') and she snuggled with her feathery friend whom had been used to such treatment since the day that she got him to finally be friends with her. What she wished for now was a big, strong male luperci to keep her warm at night, but most of Inferni had been female, and not only that, but the males whom were in the pack were related to her.

She was just about to drift off into sleep about her perfect mate, when something caught her large, oversensitive ears. It was the sound of shuffling and the sound woke her up completely, wondering if the pups had been trying to sneak out. The flower dressed girl had gotten up with a squeak from Hextor, asking her what was up. Ya' didnt hur dat? Somethin isa lingerin'round outside. the woman spoke to the bird before she had moved from her chamber and she went towards the entrance of her cave. There was then a loud voice speaking to Talitha, her cousin. The woman with the large ears had cocked her head and she moved out to see whom it was. She'd never heard a voice like this before, nor did she smell the smell she was greeted with, as well as the stench of death. She groaned at the smell of decaying flesh and she moved toward the voice. Ain't it time fer ya to be in bed lil girl? she asked as she approached the little lupus girl. Who're ya' anyways? Never seen ya'round here b'fore. she spoke, her funny accent present as always.

image by J; code by the Mentors!

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