Strangest ways

ooc text. This is gonna be nice Tongue short post sorry!!

How did he say this? 'Well he looks exactly like me; has my voice, my tattoos and everything. But he's my evil twin brother made up in my mind when I was beat up as a pup.' Oh yeah, cause everyone would believe that. He cleared his throat and looked up at her beautiful figure awkwardly making eye contact. "Well... h-he's really tall..." that was just magnificent, eh? "And he's a darker male... and uh... about my age..." He looked down at his feet on the shore not knowing what more to say without giving it all away.

"So yeah, he's probably not in trouble any ways." His eyes darted around nervously as he thought she might be onto him. She looked pretty scary and convincing that she could cause injuries to someone. That weapon of her's didn't look like a fun time at all. Well shoot. And he felt Fang stir deviously inside him in obvious amusement.

I will not fall, I will not fade.
I will take your breath away!
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Toby Table by Raze.

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