[m]Desert Rose

OOC: table code, and Filler © Jacoby! © Image by Stevie


The Bat's demise was entirely Raiden's fault though he felt justified in his actions. The Bat just didn't understand the complex relationship of his sons. Whether it was just his mind and the constant thoughts of neglect that he felt that dictated it or if it was really true he had thought that The Bat was going to try to take Diedrich away from it. That was simply something that he couldn't have. He needed Diedrich more than his brother could ever possibly need him. The simple perception of someone trying to separate them had driven Raiden mad. He had convinced his twin that it was for the best. Convinced him that The Bat was nothing more than an imposter that had abandoned their glorious name. The Bat was only a false prophet and had to be disposed of before he could tarnish their name further. Diedrich was the rightful heir of the Heavens and so the saboteur had to be done away with so that he could take his place. Diedrich was a god, not The Bat.

"Ärgem Sie sich nicht, Bruder. Ich werde nie im Stitch nichts passieren." He attempted to reassure his brother with a soft nuzzle meant to be placed against the side of his twin's neck should it be allowed. He didn't seek to press the issue further since it was clearly upsetting to the other. He just hoped that this was something that Diedrich would be able to get past. All he was able to do was to offer his reassurances that nothing would happen to his brother if he could help it. The Bat was dead and if it came down to it then Raiden would kill him all over again just to be able to ease his brother's dreams. "Traum von mir statt, Bruder. Ich liebe dich. Ich werde Sie sicher zu halten." If his brother could place him into his dreams then Raiden would handle The Bat all on his own.

The male laughed and nodded his head with his brother's words. "So bin ich." He agreed with the other's statement and then after a pause he decided to add to it. "Für dich." Of course the addition was quite the naughty one but this time it couldn't be blamed upon him since Diedrich had already made to start stuff earlier. Of course he wouldn't turn away something to fill his belly with either. It simply wasn't as prominent in his mind as spending time with his brother was. No, his brother was the most important thing to the male and so everything else was secondary. Still if his twin would rather go out and search for something to eat then Raiden had no choice but to simply follow along. It was just the nature of their relationship. Raiden was willing to do whatever it was that his brother wanted to do and so the same was adhered to in return.


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