Little [p]aws; big adventures

Anann was quite literate and there were many subjects of human culture on which she knew a great deal. Their stories of fiction were not something she often indulged in, though she found their tomes of religion to be intriguing. Reading was an academic pursuit, and it was only for study and not for pleasure that Anann had been taught to read. She knew a few fables. Short, simple stories of morals. But the grandeur tales were something she had never known, including little Robin's Mr.Hood and his band of merry men. Even though she did not know of the evil prince and the vile sheriff of Nottingham it seemed that Robin was grasping the basic concept of Anann's own tale. She saw no point in telling the girl she did not know the particular story to which she had referred and gave a nod. "That's right. You've got the idea." That was why Anann had isolated herself, cutting ties of friendship and love so those that she cares about could not be used against her. She was thankful it had only been her that had to suffer at Keese's hands. Anann would never had been able to forgive herself had Keese tried to use her love for Anatoliy or any of the pack against her. She had know what he was capable of doing, yet she still didn't think he would have gone so far. Anann had done her best to give Keese no reason to make a target of anyone but herself.

Of coarse that did not stop the questions. Robin countering with another wave of questions. Anann was not sure how long she had been locked in the old shed on the outskirts of Halifax suburbs. She had not bothered to count the days and they had seemed longer and more numerous than they had truly been. "Several days, a few weeks maybe. I do not really know for sure. It seemed like a very long time though." But Robin's next question brought a change to the topic. A welcomed change. "Rem has always been with me, since before I can remember. He is older than I. He was my mother's horse before I was born." A horse's life span exceeds that of a Luperci and it was possible that Rem could live to watch over even the next generation of Harleigh. "Have you learned to ride yet?" Anann assumed the girl had learned to shift as she seemed to be of age, yet Anann was not completely sure. Since the patchwork pup was spending her time in the stables Anann also assumed she had an interest in learning to ride the creatures as well.

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