Puppy questions?
You don't have to worry about under 300. Kiri was saying that post counts are factored in and so higher post counts means the lesser number of posts needed. But what I'm asking is what if they vary and there is never a consistent amount but range between 300 and 700 between each posting period, how is that measured out? Cause it was said 10 300 posts and 7 500 posts and the such. With me each post is different so will that be reflected or is there an average number of needed posts for a fluctuating count? *seriously stresses counts and keeps my own counts so would feel better in knowing what number to try for*

And with the 2nd part I meant that being within one person. Like the way it is now I'd be giving 3 and J be giving 1 (cause that is all he has and means points can't be allocated) so within my own alone if I don't make 3 would I be able to submit however many I make and J still use his 1 since it can't go any other way.

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