Entering a new world of hope

Well, you made up for it with this post =D andddd that suckssss -___- I’ve always wondered why people got fevers and crap from sunburn- now I know whyyy. Owww Sad -- by the way, I added a paragraph of useless thought into my post before, so it could reach 300 words... Hope that's okay... I have a good muse tonight Smile


Rio continued to let her little brother bite her fingers, and continued to look at her mother, too. His little teeth were sharp, and she winced here and there from a hard bite. At least he knew how to bite if ever need be. Rio smiled as her mom spoke good things about her. She nodded after she was done, ”Thank you, Momma.” She was happy to finally call Anathema home, sad that she hadn’t seen her dad yet, and angry that she hadn’t found Harlowe yet. Maybe she would confide in her Mom about this subject in time.

Severus continued to bite her index finger, and she stroked his small head with her thumb. She was relieved to hear that she didn’t have to be cut. She didn’t like pain. There was so much of it in her life, emotional and physical- why would she want more? So many scars she had tucked away under what little fur grew over them. Good thing she had a thick coat, or she would have been littered with them, which she was. They were just overgrown with other fur that they were barely visible. Why would she want more scars? ”That’s kind of a relief.” She admitted smiling and laughing gently as she gazed down at Severus. Then she looked back up to Naniko, ”Anything close to yours will do. Big or small doesn’t really matter to me as long as I have enough room to live.”

Finally, she’ll be able to have somewhere to call her own and it would be in close proximity to those she loved. It would be a den that she would call hers, and no one that she didn’t want in there would go into it. She would have somewhere to put her findings, and store what food she wanted stored. It would all be hers, and only hers.

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