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Well you're getting more of me anyways Tongue j/k *huggles* Apologies Kiwi seems a bit crazy, she's scared of like... everyone XD. WC: 932

pushitinThe taller sable female was standing waiting, shifting from foot to foot with boredom and nervous excitement, she wanted to get into the pack now! She wanted to seek her mother out, knowing that the green eyed lady would be excited to see herself and her sister, she knew that it would make her mother overjoyed to see her, and the girl's had missed her as much as she had missed them. It had been Kiwi that had suffered most, pining for her mother, she had always been the closest of all the siblings to their dark mother, the others had often been quite contented to be on their own, to travel as they felt and be around the other pack members, the youngest child though had been more contented when being around her sable mother, or her elder sister, she was shy, although once she knew someone she was much bolder, much happier. She was still sat atop the wooden cart, her green eyes being visible every now and again as she peeked through her hair, making gaps with her fingers, looking at her older sister, her source of comfort. They did not have to wait much longer though, the sudden appearance of a jet pelted female approaching them at high speed. She gave a fierce shout at them and Kiwi let out a yelp of fear, hunching herself up even further, trying to make herself as small as possible, the truth was that she was terrified, she didn't want to be here anymore. Her elder sister was not like her though, she visibly bristled at the angry words, her ears flattening against her skull, her silvery grey eyes narrowing, that was until this dark pelted female mentioned the war. From behind the pair squaring off against one another at the border there was a sudden agonised gasp, Kiwi suddenly lunged forwards, clinging to her sister, gripping at her upper arm, her large eyes filled with terror for their mother's well being, for fear that they had arrived too late.
"A war? Oh no Rain! A war! Find out if Mom's ok, ask her, ask her please! Ask her nicely, we need to know!" The smaller female blurted in a fit of panic, standing side on to the sable female who they would soon find out was the leader of the pack, not daring to look at the female who seemed so furious. Rain softened visibly as the small female panicked, clutching at her arm, her shoulders softened and her ears and face returned to their usual cheerful look, though it was marred with the sudden fear for their mother, the need to comfort her fragile younger sister.
"Don't worry, I'll ask her, I'll ask her. I'm sure Mom's fine, she's tough." The female replied, reaching to touch her sister's cheek, trying to calm the smaller girl.
pushitinRain turned back to the sable female, her entire body more submissive, more willing to listen and to speak calmly to the leader, although she could not help but think that even if there was a war going on that wolves shouldn't be allowed to go around shouting at others, she wouldn't say as much though, even though she often would have done. Luckily for her and her sister's efforts with joining the pack she was too concerned over her mother, too busy wanting to know what had happened to her, she knew that shouting at the female would not get them anywhere, she was thinking rationally for once. She looked at the female, allowing her features to remain soft and her voice to be calm and steady, although she was filled with fear for her mother, she was trying not to show it, she had to be the strong one for her sister, she could not afford for them to both go to pieces on the border, although that of course depended on the response that came from her questions.
"I apologise for being loud, we had no idea what was happening here, my name is Rain... Rain Aatte, and this is my sister Kiwi." The female paused, patting the shorter female on the head, Kiwi had now hidden against her chest, trembling slightly with fear for their mother and fear of this dark female who had been so angry with them. "Is our mother alright? You may know her... Soran Aatte? We have come to see her, to live with her if that's possible. Please, please tell me that she is alright! She finished, looking at the large Secui wolf, her voice almost pleading now as she looked at her, her silver eyes were filled with fear even though she was trying to remain calm. Kiwi was now trembling even more, she was shaking with fear of the social situation, something that she hated under any circumstances, the taller female wrapped her arms around her, gently prising her away from her, moving her to stand at her side. Long dark fingers met the shorter ones of the younger girl as she held her hand, giving it a comforting squeeze.
"I'm sorry, she's terribly shy, I think she's a little frightened of you." Rain added, managing a weak smile at the sable Consul, she was worried that they had already ruined their chances, for her sister's sake she was willing to brush off the earlier rudeness and be polite and submissive to this female. Finally Kiwi managed to raise her head, managing a shy glance at the mysterious female, before bending her head and burying herself away in her long curled mane again.

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