And We Watched The Stars Fall To Chaos
Welcome to Ichika no Ho-en!

Welcome and congratulations! You are now free to begin posting as a pack member, even if your joiner thread is not yet completed.

Your first task as a member of Ichika no Ho-en is to create a thread within the InH subforum performing the as directed by the Ichikan who accepted your character. This thread must be within the Ichika no Ho-en subforum and must have at least one other InH member within it. Feel free to create an all-welcome thread, and refer to the link given above or to the leaders in PM if you have any questions! Smile

Of course, there's plenty more to do, too!:

  • Look through the Ichika territories for interesting environments and scenarios to create threads in.
  • Your character has been titled as a Dai-In, but if your activity is consistently good, they can be promoted up into the Specialized tier of ranks, where your character will have a job that is theirs and theirs alone for the entire pack. Take some time and look through the and get a feel for where your character might fit for when that time comes!
  • Glance through the pack game and get a feel for what you can post about that will earn your points towards things like icons, titles, player-drawn art and more!
  • If you haven't yet, take some time to thoroughly read through Ichika no Ho-en's and policies pages so you may get a better feel of how the pack works and what you may or may not want to aim for with your character.

Please don't hesitate to PM the with any questions or concerns you have at any time! If you would like to request posting tables, avatars or signatures made for you, you can politely do so in the Talents subforum. If you're feeling lost or confused about the game, don't hesitate to post a question in , or to seek out a Mentor! We're really happy to have you with us, and hope you'll enjoy Ichika no Ho-en!

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