It Began with a Seed | [Join]
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ooc: 831 Words

Character Name: X'yrin Exultare

Character Age: 3.5 years

Character Gender: Female

Preferred Specialized Rank: Kenpo | Konrei

OOC Name: Zyn

Other Characters Played: (Zynex)

OOC Second Form of Contact: Aim

Character Alignment: (optional)---

Her ears were forward attentively, swiveling backward now and again as the chirp of distant birds were received. Truth be told, she did not like being on the waiting end. So used to quick decision and consequence, she felt anxious now waiting for the other's judgement to pass. The Nomad hadn't experienced anxiety of the like in some time and was bothered by it. Like having thorns grate through her fur to the tender flesh beneath, her nerves on end and dancing excitedly. This trial was wrecking!

But at last! Forgiveness! And the female visibly relaxed, her muscles losing their retained tension whilst her nostrils flared with a relieved exhale. Still in good favor; it was a start that only became better when the extent of her range was explained. Her brows peaked with interest. So she hadn't crossed the barrier, by chance she had stumbled upon it. Her tail pat the ground in staccato rhythm. Fortune! And what was better still; she hadn't taken from their land and was not obliged to repay them. But the autumn female was a gracious being at heart, especially to those that showed her kindness of their own accord.

Taking a life for the sake of a gift felt unnecessary now that she was made aware of her situation. Perhaps a craft easing into the Nomadic tradition of trade. Be it for information or an item, one thing was not given without something to show for it in return. Her ears were not deaf to the invitation, more she chose not to reply to it just yet. As the tribe would recite to each recruit that wanted to be a part of their lifestyle; a pack is a commitment. She'd be damned to just at the invitation blind without knowing what it entailed. Regardless, it was an 'offering' on behalf of the Ichika. And on behalf of this solitary Nomad, she would make her offering. " 'moment," she raised her paw as to urge the girl to wait a moment, her heavy paws already carrying her swiftly across the field before waiting for reply.

The woman might have been hastened, but her eyes were still sharp as they cut frantically through the late summer growth. A collection of weeds here, a fragrant blossom there, she plucked the flora from its earth to gather her materials all the while looking back occasionally to ensure herself the nameless female remained. No sense exerting all this effort if she was going to leave. But this would have been easier had a crafthand been here with her... The magician would have already had a trinket to give, something small but skillfully crafted. She had watched them enough to know a basic design, but nothing extravagant as the adornments worn by the heads of each family. The gift she would make had she the skill. Flowers and weed stems would have to do for now though.

The Nomad returned with her collection in her mouth, a little more enthusiasm to her stride in knowing she was not a trespasser. She returned to where she sat before, just across the border but within reach of her escort. "A moment," she requested again now free of the taste of flora in her mouth. Her craft would have to wait a moment while she rid herself of her clumsy paws. With minimal effort, her bulky form began to realign growing taller as her spine straightened out and her neck lengthened. The shift of thick haunches to muscled thighs was perhaps the most awkward transition as she was forced to all four momentarily, the curve of her legs more pronounced as they curved with the form of the knee. Elbows for her arms and fine digits for her hands. She felt misplaced, always at first and even a little disgusted by her adopted form, but she could not dismiss the useful implications (few as they were in her eyes) that came with it.

Her form was tall and lean, a contrast to the brutish Secui form. Their similarities residing in the course mane running along her back, untamed and mangled. An overgrowth of unfashioned fur swept over her eyes nearly veiling her radiate hues from view. But she tossed them back, smiling gently as she reached for a flower and stem to begin her craft...

The minutes ticked by in comfortable silence as dexterous digits went to work. The warmth of the sun coupled with a soft, fragrant breeze; it was a wonder the woman hadn't stopped to enjoy a day like this before. Always so driven to explore, to further her knowledge of the world that encompassed her... missing little days such as this. A soft 'click' sounded as her claws cut the stem of her creation signalling its completion. Carefully she extended the woven trinket; a simple braided cuff of flowers topped with an assortment of small red flowers. "A Nomad's gift," she explained with her tail thumping proudly. "X'yrin's gift to..."


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