how we gonna pay

"That's true," Umbra agreed with a nod. "And I'm sorry for my assumption.

Why was he apologizing? It had been an honest mistake, and he shouldn't take the blame for it. He shivered slightly -- disguising his shiver as a final attempt to get water out of his fur -- at the thought of what had happened earlier that day. He never, ever, wanted something like that to happen again. And so he wouldn't take the submissive role in this conversation. No matter how rude the other was.

He could have sat down, but he didn't. He could have offered his friendship (though why he should, he had no idea), but he didn't. Instead he just stood there. And then he asked. Mostly because it gave them something to talk about, and because it would either confirm or deny his suspicions.

"The pup... Taliesin? Is he yours?"


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