[m]we watched him pour bad red wine into his head
;_; once again it takes me forever to reply D: im such a bad rp'er -.-


She sighed as he pulled her closer, hands exploring the muscled feel of him, he was absolutely gorgeous, the small defect of his mismatched eyes was not even an issue with her, complete purity hardly even mattered when there was all this deliciousness to process. She hadn't felt this good in a long time, any sex was good sex as far as she was concerned but it was a rather extended period that she'd connected with anyone in this way before, it was almost as if they shared some kind of bridge that locked them together, as a single entity.

She growled cutely as he continued to tease and torment her perspiring body, itching to feel the release she knew was hanging just out of reach. She moaned as he rubbed himself against her, hands gripping his fur loosely and then tightly, switching back and forth between the two. A hiss of pleasure escaped her as he finally slid inside, stretching and filling her. Then he began to move and she was lost to the sensations shooting through her, rolling out from where they joined. Her name rolled off of his tongue so sexily and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he pulled her closer, thrusting her hips up to meet his as they pushed down, deepening his stroke. Soft rolling murring growls left her throat as he pushed her higher with his luscious body, her toes flexing like a cat's.

His words and expression which she could just about see through the stars dancing behind her eyes made her grin, and she squeezed down with her inner wall muscles, contracting them around his shaft and sending ripples through them and sucking him deeper still, even as he continued to pull moans and pleasured sighs from her like raindrops from the sky.

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