It Began with a Seed | [Join]
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ooc: 387 Words

Character Name: X'yrin Exultare

Character Age: 3.5 years

Character Gender: Female

Preferred Specialized Rank: Kenpo | Konrei

OOC Name: Zyn

Other Characters Played: (Zynex)

OOC Second Form of Contact: Aim

Character Alignment: (optional)---

X'yrin was fulfilled once the gift was passed from her paw to the other's. Her tail swept the ground at her side in content, a subtle gesture to the elation she felt within. On behalf of the Nomads, she had done well in her eyes. Holding true to their traditions, she had initiated and completed an exchange. Had the head of the Exultare witnessed the exchange, there wasn't a doubt in her mind his broad chest would have swelled with pride. The thought in turn made the woman do the same, her head lifting proudly with the swell of her chest.

The other at last announced herself, calling herself Nayru along with an unfamiliar title. Was this a form of rank? The traveler had heard of packs adopting this to establish hierarchy; to award certain privileges to individuals of a certain qualification. Her ears perked up with interest. "What is 'Jiryu' to Ichika?" she inquired, head tilted curiously. Carefully the female raised a slender digit toward her own chest. "Is it like the Exultare to Nomads?" Hearing her question as if fell from her lips, she wasn't sure the other would understand. Few packs were like hers. Most looked upon themselves as a single unity, not divided as hers was. Reminded of this, her ears dropped and her brows knitted with uncertainty. How could she explain this without making herself look like a primitive fool? She wouldn't have blamed the female if she thought that of her now given her broken speech.

"Nomads.... have families," she began utilizing both paws in gesture to better aid in the explanation. She held up a paw, using the index finger of the other to point to each individual digit. "Exultare is one of them," she tapped the first digit. "Exultare are... guards, defenders. All born as Exultare are this way. Another is Marecks; crafts and songs... And other families. All born have the tasks of the family. But all the families"- she clasped her paws together, twining the fingers to represent unity- "travel and work together. Some teaching skills to other families." She looked to the female with a hopeful smile, hopeful that her explanation made some sense and gave clarity to her question. "Is 'Jiryu' like this to Ichika? Family name? Or is it...title? What does it mean?"


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