Little [p]aws; big adventures

Poor Anann, I feel rather sorry for her Sad WC: 1125 Apologies if it's a little rambly XD

The little female watched the older female with large blue eyes, listening as the female replied to her, watching her intently, the patchwork girl was rather confident in her own abilities, her intelligence amongst other things, she was sure that she had gotten the gist of what Anann was saying, that she had deciphered the meaning, she wanted to make sure. When the female said that she had had the right idea she smiled a little and wagged her tail, but stopped suddenly, realising that although she should be proud of herself, that she had worked something out so well, that what she had been working out had been terrible for Anann and she could not take any joy in that. She was indeed sad that her large friend had been injured and hurt, locked away for so long. It really was like the stories of Robin Hood, when the evil sheriff had kidnapped Maid Marian and tried to keep her locked away until she agreed to be his wife, he had never hurt her, but he had kept her captive, she had never liked that part, she had been kidnapped because of her beauty, because of her status and for some reason because she was a girl that had written that she had not been able to defend herself and Robin had had to come and rescue her. This was silly to the little female, she wanted to be brave and tough and fight her own battles, not swoon in a girlish fashion at the first signs of trouble, this was why she had made her role model the hero of the story and not his damsel in distress, no that was far more Felicity's role in life, the brown female was very girly and would no doubt make a wonderful princess locked in a tower someday, just awaiting rescue. But that was not the patchwork female at all, and she had always assumed that it would not have been Anann either, the male that attacked her and captured her must have been huge and very cruel to have managed to overpower the large female. Of course the small girl had no concept of manipulation, no idea that someone could make another believe that they would hurt others if they did not bend to their wishes, although she had indeed read about situations like that they did not yet make sense in her young mind, to her there was always a way out of it, especially when the sheriff had threatened to hurt Robin Hood if the lady did not marry him, after all he could never have caught the brave hero in his lincolnshire green tights to hurt him.

Robin watched the female as she spoke again, explaining that she had been in the shack for a long time, her bi-coloured ears drooped with sadness for the larger female once more and she padded towards her, giving her a gentle nudge with her head against the female's leg, her version of a hug in this form. She could not imagine what it would be like to be trapped for so long, to be without her family, her friends, her pack, it must have been a nightmare for the larger female, the little girl could not even imagine it herself, it was too terrible.
“I am sorry that such a horrible thing happened to you Miss Anann, I wish I could have been there to help, Daddy, Linden and I are a great team, I wish we had been there to save you.” The little female said, looking up at the female with large sad eyes to match the grown wolf's own, she was so sorry that she had not been there, it was true that there was nothing that she could have done against the brutish creature in her mind, but perhaps her presence would have been of some comfort to her large friend. She gave her another gentle head bump, brushing her head against the highest part of the female's leg that she could reach, trying to bring the female some comfort.

The subject was soon changed back to Rem, the large stallion though, the small female smiled, she would much prefer to talk of happier things, to take Anann's mind off of the terrible ordeal that she had been through. The small girl padded away from her large friend to stare up at the horse again, her eyes widening as the female explained that he was older than she was, Robin did not know how old Anann was, but she assumed that all grown ups were really old, for in her head, they were, their ages being so far away from her own. That made the horse an old man indeed, the patchwork girl had no idea how long horses lived, he certainly didn't look old, there were no obvious grey marks around his muzzle which seemed to happen to older animals and he didn't look weak or sickly, which she had read could be a trait of age, the loss of muscle tone making wolves seem smaller than they once were, perhaps it was not the same with horses?
"How long do horses live Miss Anann? Will he live for much longer?" The small female asked, staring up at the dark stallion with large curious eyes. The female then asked her if she had begun to learn to ride, the smaller girl shook her multicoloured head, this was something she was anxious to do, she had been nagging her father to take her riding ever since she had been old enough to talk. And now that she had begun to shift she was probably unbearable to her ochre father, turning every conversation to the subject, she wanted to learn to ride so badly, Noss had offered to teach her and the pale mare seemed to like her, she was hoping to take her as her very own soon. And then she would be able to ride her whenever she liked, she knew that she needed practice and supervision, but she was sure that she would be good at it straight away, she was very confident in her abilities after all, she was going to be a heroine, she had to be.
"I have not started learning yet, Daddy wouldn't let me until I learnt to shift, and I am a still a little wobbly in my other form, so he wants me to be a little more confident before he lets me onto a horse. But when I do learn to ride I want her to be my horsey." Robin replied, nodding at the pale mare who gave a small whinny, seeming to realise that she was being spoken about.

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