(M) - shoot a peace slug, drop a love bomb

yeah that’s fine haha. We can close it after one more round? Either way, Barry and Ezzie need a new thread together :3
Words: 322

Even though Ezra wasn’t going to voice his complaint, the fact that his new acquaintance decided to ditch his kids wasn’t something Ezra would have ever done. Ezra’s family raised him to put family first, planned or unplanned. His new brood of children would one day be the only living remnants of the hybrid, and he wouldn’t risk losing a connection with his children just because they weren’t meant to happen. They were gifts, lessons, and even packages of joy sometimes. Ezra knew he would teach all the right lessons to his son (or daughter), and he couldn't wait for the moment when they would teach him lessons.

The wolfdog’s mind wandered, trying to imagine his friend with children running in between his legs. He chuckled at the thought (and the expression he imagined Barry having), and realized it was probably for the best that he wasn’t raising any children. But who knew, maybe the loner would have a change of heart one day. Ezra surely hoped he did, because now that Ezra was slowly starting to accept the things that were coming in the future he felt … excited? Happy? It would be a change, that was definite.

“My family is from up north… sled dog country,” he said happily, motioning to his pelt. “I think it’s the area that the humans used to call Newfoundland. My family lived on the territory of our old owners after they died, until my father and mother decided to leave. I don’t know what I was doing down here, either,” the male said with a grin “ I left home to go experience things and come back but then I found Ever, so I can’t really leave anymore. I don’t mind. I quite like it here. Much warmer,” another smile graced his large face as he took a drag from the joint offered to him.

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