[J]oining Blind
Blind’s anxiety climbed as the minutes passed, seeming like hours. ‘Be patient,’ she mentally reminded herself, ‘and don’t forget what you’ve been taught.’ The tip of her tail twitched beneath her belly, and soon her hip bothered her to the point of needing to shift her weight. Would anyone come to greet her? Would they be friendly if they did come? Would they attack her? The thought of having to fight made Blind sick to her stomach – she could hunt, but she was too weak to defend herself.

Blind tried to stay positive. The thought of new friends made her heart skip a beat; they could be just beyond those trees! She nestled close to the ground, listening to every noise around her and honing in on every smell. Then, suddenly, a new noise and a new smell yanked her to her feet. Her ears perked and her nose stayed pointed toward the disturbance, her heart threatening to tear out of her chest. When the dark female emerged from the shadows, Blind’s eyes widened – she had never seen a wolf like this before: the piercing green eyes, the silver rings…it was fascinating.

Catching herself, Blind immediately dropped to the ground, flattened her ears, and tucked her tail again. She lowered her gaze to the ground, her view suddenly filled with a set of powerful paws. Blind’s excitement quickly transformed to fear, realizing that if she DID have to fight, she wouldn’t stand a chance against this stranger.

The female greeted her sharply, the words tangling together in Blind’s mind. She stood still. ‘Say something!’ squeaked Blind’s subconscious.

Keeping her eyes on the female’s paws, Blind cleared her throat in a feeble attempt to muster some courage. Finally, finding her voice, she said, “My name’s Blind. I am no threat to you or your pack; I only come seeking a home of my own, and maybe some answers.”

Blind replayed her words in her mind; she supposed it was a suitable response. She was surprised by the sound of her own voice, for she’d been alone for so long that she hadn’t heard it – there was no need to talk to herself. But she couldn’t get distracted right now. This could be the alphess, after all, and she couldn’t afford to look spacey in front of a leader.

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