Fading Summer

The scent of apple wood was infused into the air as she closed in on home. The stag was too heavy for her now and her arms trembled with spent effort, she once again wondered just how she had managed to drag Ookami's massive weight before quickly wiping thoughts of the man from her mind totally. Temo's voice floated towards her and she smiled in relief. He was quick to appear from whatever it was he had been doing. With his help they were able to haul the yearling the rest of the way to the house. When that was done she sat down heavily on one of the chairs they had brought out for the occasion with a great sigh.

She stroked the white colored bulge of her stomach with ash colored paws, grinning crookedly in the bitter sweet feeling. Normally such exercise would not leave her so drained but toting around the little ones took a surprising amount of energy. She yawned openly, her jaw clicking at the hinges and then turned a warm gaze on Temo who was fiddling with the fire some more, the heat from the blaze was welcomed and some energy seeped back into her as though she drew nourishment from it like some endothermic creature

"I think soon I will need someone to drag me about in a cart if I get any bigger." She laughed freely before pulling herself to her feet with a small grunt of effort. She pulled a knife from its sheath and awkwardly kneeled down next to the carcass, hindered by the swollen mound of flesh and fur at her front. She began to cut the meat from bone, the knife sliding through tendons and sinew with only a slight effort on her part, her stomach rumbled greedily in anticipation of tasting some of this food.

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