I'll be your Fairytail

Word Count → 303 :: OOC: Uh ohhhh

Shawchert was happy as she exclaimed in wonder as she looked around the Oasis. Shaw had found this place, though he wasn't the first one and he knew he wouldn't be the last one. He watched as she looked over the area and couldn't help but feel a bit of pride in the place he chose.

“It's called the Oasis, it's a nice little place, I usually come here to carve if i'm having a hard time with my carving.”

It was such a tranquil, quiet place. He loved it and wanted to share it with Orin. Things were going great, that was until after she sat down. He could tell the tone of her voice wasn't very pleased though he coulnd't exactly pinpoint what she was feeling when she saw the book. Her ears were telling him enough, she wasn't pleased with the book being there.

“That's the history of Cercatori, the book you were writing. I- I thought you'd like to have it back. I saved it for a while, I was going to give it back sooner, but with everything going on, I never got the chance.”

Was she mad that he'd taken it from the bookstore? He just wanted to keep it safe, as it was the chroniclings of the lives of the wolves in the pack, and it meant more to him now because they were in her words, but the book belonged to Orin and he knew she should have it, he was wishing that he'd given it to her sooner, because that was why he thought she was angry, she might have been looking for it all this time and he had it the whole time.

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Image © Nat! And Table by Noelle!


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