Friendship fight
Fara walked around aimlessly looking into dens, one of them intrigued her as she couldn't see anything besides a lone white lupus form lounging on a cluttered pile of furs. Finally, a non luperci in the pack, too bad she would have to wait for them to talk to her.The male glanced at her intently,his glazed blue eyes perfectly gleaming as if nothing else were even there. She scrambled passed the door embarrassed that she had let him see her. Fara growled to herself.

She heard the pad of paws behind her,she ignored it knowing it would be someone in the pack and that she didn't have to worry. What surprised her though is who it was and what they said. The butterflies in her stomach arose as she turned to find out it was the non luperci male she had seen earlier. The one that had seen her snooping in his den. She lowered her head embarrassed, waiting for him to give her crap about minding her own business.

Fara perked up after hearing what the male said," you want to know my name. Its Fara by the way,but why would you want to know my name,"she asked bewildered by the motive. Fara halted in surprise, this man wanted to know her name what could he possibly want with her name. She left that for him to explain.

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