[J]oining Blind

Feel free to add Leader needed to your title now, you do that by clicking edit on your first post and it will let you edit the title Smile Erin seems to have been a little busy at the moment, so we'll just continue and she'll no doubt jump in whenever she's ready Smile WC: 742

The sable lady chuckled as the girl looked at her with wide eyes, her voice shocked as she commented on her being a grandmother, Soran was not at all offended by this, in fact many of the wolves she met were shocked when she told them that she had grandchildren. In fact she was a little flattered that wolves considered her to look young enough not to be a grandmother. She smiled at the younger girl.
"I am a great grandmother actually, my grandson Haven lives in Cour Des Miracles and he has had a litter of pups whilst I have been away. I had my eldest son early you see and he in turn had a litter when he was fairly young. All in all I have seven children, four grandchildren and I believe three great grandchildren." The dark lady replied honestly, laughing as she spoke this, she felt old when she mentioned this, but also she felt a great sense of pride, her father had deemed her as a terrible blight on the land, he had tried to eradicate her very existance, by living and having her own children she had defied him, she had beaten him, her children had gone out and had yet more children, it was wonderful to her, she had a family, a proper family, unlike anything she had had when she herself had been a pup. It was true that her adoptive mother had tried to raise her as best as she could, but her adoptive siblings had followed her father's mad idea that she was evil due to her pelt colour and had shunned her and been cruel, all except for Iikka, but both he and Becca were gone now, slain by her father. She had had a terible childhood when she looked back on it, she was pleased that her own offspring had had a much happier young life. The female looked at the younger girl, noticing that her gaze fell to her scar, she smiled at the girl, she was unphased by her staring at her scar, the dark female was more than used to it by now, it was right across her face after all, many wolves found it interesting, but none seemed to have ever gained the nerve to ask about it before, save for her former mates.
"You're looking at my scar, I shall tell you the story of it sometime." The female said with a smile, she meant what she had said as well, but she would tell her of it some other time, it was not appropriate conversation when they were first meeting.

The female laughed as the girl began almost pouncing at her, seeming very playful. She could not help but allow it to bring a soft smile to her face as she laughed at the younger girl, bouncing back at her as well. The girl asked about being a Luperci and the female nodded, happily agreeing that she would answer any questions that she might have about being a Luperci.
"Yes, I am happy to speak about being a Luperci, it is not a bad life, usually once the blood is exchanged it usually takes about two weeks to take effect, then what will happen is you will change, you will become a bipedal wolf, it is an awkward change at first, but then it becomes easier over time, you would not be stuck in one form if that was what you were worried about. Tell me Blind, what more do you wish to know about it?" She asked, a warm smile on her lips still. The female then suggested that she might have a good talent for being a councellor, the sable female nodded as she spoke, suggesting with her body language that she thought that this was a good trait to have.
"Well that does indeed sound a helpful trait to have, I shall call for our leader now, she might expect you to be a little submissive, I am sure that she will like you though." She said, with something that she hoped with a comforting smile. The sable female raised her dark head, opening her maw she let out a long, loud call for Savina to come to the borders and meet the newcomer.
"There, I doubt that she will be long, perhaps we should talk whilst we wait for her." The female said, sitting back down again, making herself comfortable.

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