'Souls Regional Maps

I was trying to do this a while back.

Here's one of the maps I made. Yours are better. XD We might want to use these for the header images in the neutral territory forums, since that was the initial intent with my maps... only I gave up because I suck. ;__; Anyways! I'll pass along to the 'SA.

As for why Quartz Shoreline is where it is... ehm. >_> Sticks & Stones is abnormally giganterous and huge to begin with, so I didn't really want to stick it there. Halifax was also split off into its own territory, due to the sheer number of threads that happen there.

But basically, when the territories were split and reshuffled, the intent was to balance out the number of threads within each forum so one isn't totally overloaded while the others are barren rather than to keep them all together. Quartz Shoreline drew the short straw on that end. XD Awkwardsauce territory~

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