for those who find reality too hard to believe in.

Mmm, he murmured quietly. I was in and out a lot, he explained. Spent two weeks here, two weeks there. Never bunked in the Manor with everyone else when I was 'round, either. Stayed around McNamara at first, then under an old covered bridge. Barrett wasn't terribly surprised they didn't meet sooner; while the mocha hybrid considered a handful of Dreamers friends--and at least several others pleasant acquaintances--it would be a stretch to say he met even half of the pack's membership base. He supposed it might seem queer on the surface, his voluntary self-isolation, but at the time it made perfect sense. Barry liked to keep those of authority at arm's length for a reason; since most of the members were Marinos by blood or marriage, it followed any given wolf was just a hair's width away from someone who was in charge (namely Savina). Hypothetically, even if the Alpha was willing to look past his drug use and sexual indulgence, she would undoubtedly disapprove of him dealing (probably the prostitution and bastard children, too).

Nevertheless, leading a dual lifestyle quickly became cumbersome; to top it all off, he found himself unable to relate to most of his packmates. Those he met were older, more mature. (Even as Silvano puffed away on the intoxicating substance, he seemed grave, adult.) It wasn't any wonder he didn't last there for very long. Still, he held no resentment or malice toward the pack; he departed on good terms. And now he was wondering what he could do to help. Their second in command was captured? Not good. Whew, he breathed, taking the joint back for another hit. Hopefully her 'n your brother are alright. Hopefully they have enough sense to realise a healthy hostage holds more bargaining power than a dead one.

Though he was genuinely sympathetic, condolences weren't enough. Savina took him in twice without question, and now it was his turn to repay the favour. I... if anyone needs refuge, tell Savina they can hide out up here. Prob'ly out of the way 'nough the AniWayans wouldn't think to look for 'em round these parts, he explained. My buddies, Axle 'n Grit, they keep watch over this place constantly, so it's pretty secure. A pause. I can send back painkillers, too. Careful though; 's heavier stuff than this, he said, holding up the cig and passing it back in the same motion. Opium could be dangerously addictive if the user wasn't careful. Maybe some alcohol to clean wounds, too... let's go see what I can find, eh? he suggested, rising to his feet. Anything useful would be in the garage.

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