[J]oining Blind

No problem whatsoever Smile Welcome to Bleeding Souls Big Grin WC: 1104 Sorry I have rambled a little XD

The sable female was amused by the girl's actions, she reminded her of her own children, they had always had cheerful playful natures, well except for Dhalia, but she was a strange anomaly, too much like her father. It was nice to be around someone who seemed to be bright and carefree, with all the playfulness of youth residing within her. For a moment Soran could allow herself to feel care free and playful again, despite all that was happening in the pack, despite her eldest daughter being upset about her moving into this pack, betraying her, she had once been the Alphess of this pack, but she had committed an act so dark and dangerous that she had been banished, it made the sable female's heart ache to know that her almost daughter felt betrayed by the pack, that she had been cast out, but she had deserved it, it was not a descision that had been made lightly and now the pale girl was the leader of another pack, with another litter of pups playing about her feet, she seemed happy enough. Blind looked at her and refused to believe that she was a great grandmother, asking how old she was, Soran noticed how she checked what she had said, perhaps thinking herself rude, the sable female did not mind being asked though, she had experience with young wolves, wolves much younger than the girl that stood before her and they too had been filled with many questions, questions that could be considered far more impertinant that what this younger female had just asked. The lady let out a soft chuckle at the girl's disbelief, in all truth she was rather flattered by the young girl being unable to agree that she could indeed be a great grandmother.
"I am eight years old, only just eight years old, I suppose that I am lucky that I have not started to look too old yet, though I have noticed some silver hairs appearing." The lady replied with a chuckle, gesturing with a toss of her head to the very few flecks of silver that were beginning to appear along the scar line on her face. She was not bothered by her ageing, seeing every breath that she took as an act of defiance against her tyrranous father, and so far in eight years she had taken many breaths.

The female seemed rather interested in the idea of Luperci, seeming to trail off in her mind, perhaps thinking about the prospect of being a Luperci. Soran herself had been fascinated by the tall bipedal wolves that seemed to dominate the ranks of her old pack, she had been unable to help but stare at them, it wasn't until she had had a fight with Laruku, now long dead, that she had discovered that she herself was a Luperci, changing when she had fallen on the sharp piece of flint that she now wore around her neck on a thin leather strap, adorned with beads and feathers. Along with that she had a small silver pentagram around her neck, on a thin silver chain, a present from her former mate, the pale lady with the bi coloured eyes who had so recently returned home. She smiled at the young girl as she said that she had no specific questions about being a Luperci, she nodded slowly.
"When we are in the pack lands I shall shift and then you can see what the change is like, even for me it takes a few moments for the change to happen, around a minute I would anticipate, that is one thing about it, it will never be an instant change, no matter how long you have been a Luperci. I myself was born with this trait, but somehow I never discovered that I could change, until I fell in the old lands, I tripped and this piece of flint went straight into my hand, the sudden shock made me change, that was a very strange day I must say." She said with a small laugh, gesturing down to the flint necklace, she kept it with her always, a constant reminder of the old lands, the old days when she had been so happy. She smiled at the younger girl, she seemed far more relaxed now, laying on her back, Soran was very glad of this, she did not want this girl to feel uneasy when she was so close to being a member of the pack. The female took up her offer of sitting and talking while they waited for Savina to come.
"I am not sure what form Savina will be in, she has taken to partrolling in her Secui form, something which is another part of being a Luperci, we have three forms in fact, our regular wolf one." The female nodded down at herself, "the bipedal form and also our Secui form, it is a larger form than this, with rather prominent muscles, do not be nervous if she is in that form, she has been wary recently and is more able to defend our home in that form. She is not as scary as she seems." The female added, smiling at the girl softly.

The girl then asked if Soran herself would be able to change her into a Luperci, the sable female smiled, it was rather an honour to be asked to do something that was so life changing for someone, she was indeed rather touched by this suggestion.
"If you decide that you wish to become a Luperci I would be more than happy to be the one who changes you. I will be more than happy to help as well, if you are struggling with the change, it can be a little difficult to adjust at first, as it is with any big change in your life." The ebony Patrician replied, smiling down at the younger girl. All of a sudden there was a clap of thunder, Soran jumped slightly and folded her ears against her skull, looking up into the sky. That was nothing compared to Blind's reaction, she seemed so scared, the motherly instinct took over in Soran's mind and she padded across to the girl, giving her a gentle nudge on the shoulder with her nose.
"Do not be scared little one, it's only thunder, it will be alright. Though it looks like it might begin to rain soon." The lady said, trying to be comforting for the younger girl, looking up at the sky again just as a flash of lightning lit the darkening sky up.

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