stars won't ever wait for you to watch them fall.
Sorry if this post is weird. Supa tired, only awake now 'cause I'm waiting for laundry to get done. Also, slight powerplay, hit me if you want it changed XD;

A voice from drew his lemony yellow eyes from the heavens above to the streets below. His strumming grew quieter so he could hear her speak, but continued nonetheless. It was an automatic, absent-minded function--mostly he was preoccupied with who this young beauty could be. At first glance he nearly mistook her for Naniko, with her cool eyes and pale coat, but no; her fur had more variation than the pristine white Angela, and her eyes weren't that vivid jade green, but tinted with aqua blue. As she drew closer, he also realised Samantha was much shorter. And yet, her slender legs gave her the illusion of height despite being relatively petite. In any case, she seemed ready to party and he wasted no time waving her up. Yea; com'on up, view's great up here, he invited. His tail thumped casually several times against the shingled roof.

Notably, he wasn't looking at the sky right then--as a general rule, half the stuff out his mouth was a double entendre (at least around young women). After all, she was quite cute. Those vibrant feathers were a nice, colourful accessory to compliment her snowy fur and they framed her feminine features well. And oh, that decorative thing she wore about her waist... it certainly drew the eyes to her curves. Enjoyable as the sights were, he was careful not to leer. Ladder's 'round back, he added quickly, not realising she had watched his earlier ascent. Only now did the music stop as he set the guitar aside in favour of getting up.

He stretched carefully in a subconscious display of muscle and size, then went to steady the ladder while she climbed up. As she neared the top rung, he offered a calloused paw. Name's Barrett--but Barry's fine, he offered, once they were on the same level. And who's your friend? he wondered, gesturing toward the otter with a flick of his snout. Given his mother and step-grandfather kept raccoons--and he considered a small snail his friend--he scarcely found their relationship unexpected or odd. That didn't mean he wasn't curious.

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