Meet your Maker! Muahah-cough-
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He silently followed, attempting to make some sort of sense of the turmoil in his heart. He was probably a good foot taller than the other male, if Jasper was any indication, and if the past repeated itself. Damian, Ahren's father, had dealt with Mercido, Laurent's brother, oh so long ago. Laurent knew nothing of this though, and had no reference for the sight about to behold him. The male was working leather, a trait common to Laurent's birth tribe. Laurent gazed at the male almost blankly for a second or two until his head kicked back in and gave Jasper's hand a squeeze before he slowly pulled away, intent on at least meeting him like a man, and not a scared puppy.

He extended his hand, hoping the male wouldn't mind stopping his project to shake it. "Laurent Nakado, Sir." He gave his full name, not knowing if it made any difference, but at least it made him feel better.
table by Akumu

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