[J]oining Blind
((No, I'm still having issues Tongue I'm hopeless at coding. But I'm determined to get it! WC: 455))

Considering Soran’s offer, she thought maybe it might be smarter to let this wolf introduce her to the alphess. She hoped, however, that it wouldn’t make her look like even more of a coward than she already felt. But if it did, Blind would be willing to work to earn the leader’s respect.

“You wouldn’t mind presenting me?” Blind asked the dark female. “Because, if you don’t, I think I’d like that.”
Soran’s helpful nature made Blind feel like she could do anything as long as her friend was there. She always knew her own mother supported her, but the comfort she felt with Rhia was nothing like what she felt with Soran. When Blind’s reaction to the thunder resulted in a chuckle from the she-wolf, she felt like she could let go of her worries and be herself. This was something she had not felt in a long time, if ever.

“Yes, I’m terrified of thunder,” Blind admitted in response to Soran’s question. “I don’t know why, because it can’t hurt you, not like lightening can anyway. But the noise has always scared me.”

Blind bowed her head sheepishly, heat rising in her cheeks. She wanted to be brave, to be strong and confident like Soran. She wanted to be able to overcome her weaknesses, whether physical or mental. How was she to survive if she was afraid of something as little as thunder? Blind had often thought of herself as independent, but as she sat with Soran, she came to realize that maybe it wasn’t so much independence that she exemplified as it was a tolerance for being alone.

A strange thought floated into Blind’s mind: maybe becoming Luperci really would be the answer to her problems? Soran could teach her to hunt, to walk, to work with her hands…maybe she could even teach her how to be less of a wimp.

“I want to become Luperci,” the she-wolf suddenly blurted.

Blind looked into Soran’s green eyes, trying to read her initial impression. She didn’t want to pressure the dark wolf, and she didn’t want to waste any time that could be spent finding out more about her potential home. But perhaps, if her suspicions proved true, she might be more suitable to face the alphess and really impress her. Blind then thought of her leg, and a tiny smile crept across her lips; Blind wanted to walk without pain, and she was sure that a leader would want her hunters to be able to do the same. And if she was ever to fight alongside her new friend and help win the war against their enemy, the ability to move would only be one of many things she would need to learn.

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