The Last of Summer
Lycan smiled as the little brown furred otter scamper towards him. Lycan notice that the otter had webbed feet, and a strong thick tail, which probably indicated that it was normally found near a river or lake. He watched as it looked up at him, its shining black eyes were like beads imbedded in its head. Lycan gently moved his hand towards the otter, and smiled as it hovered its nose around his fingers.
"What's her name?" Lycan called up to the she-wolf while still happily watching the otter scatter around his feet.
Lycan had an interest in nature, the reasons behind what happened in the world, how trees and plants grow, how different creatures adapt to different environments and why each day had a different breeze. Lycan didn't know much, not as much as others would know, but he longed for the day that he would be able to learn about the knowledge of the world. He looked back down at the little otter, how had this happy, little creature come to be alive? Lycan felt stupid, asking these questions in his head, other wolves would know these answers in a heartbeat, yet Lycan found them difficult to solve.
Books. He had heard some wolves talk about them, about how the can contain knowledge written down on thin, flat sheets of material. Maybe if Lycan could find a book, it might help him answer his questions. He looked back at the otter and shed a blissful grin, knowing more about creature such as this, would be worth the search.

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