Looks like home, feels like home. Must be home.
Hello there. o:

It was another day of wandering about and generally being as unproductive as possible for Jackson. Earlier in the day the youth had slipped out of the caverns, finding himself heading southward toward the shores. He'd settled himself down in the soft sands, just a few feet from the gently lapping waters. The Acidic sat cross-legged, the staff that Panda had gifted him laying across his lap, and he had done his best to meditate. He cleared his thoughts, taking in just the sounds of the waves and the smell of the salty waters. It was a habit he'd unexpectedly picked up, something he would often do without thinking.

As the day drew on and his attention began to drift, the boy gave in and resumed his trek through the Anathema lands. He eventually decided to return to the caverns. Jackson traveled this path countless times during the last few months, and had developed his own series of shortcuts through the mountainous terrain that led up to the main entrances of the caverns. It seemed that in no time he'd reached the barns, cerulean eyes glancing over the odd collection of creatures the Anathema caretakers had amassed. The Acidic still didn't understand their fascination with the creatures. Like always, he passed them by without another thought. As he approached one of the entrances into the subterranean caves, Jackson spotted another figure. "Hey," he called out as he approached, twirling his staff idly. It was an unfamiliar face, another doggish male older than Jackson. He seemed to be going out and about, much like Jackson had.


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