[J]oining Blind

Hey Alli! Thanks for getting to this Smile Just a quick note Blind, this is Alli, she plays Anu (our other leader that's been kidnapped) as well as Mati which means she has awesome allowing people to join powers that I dont have XD WC: 966

The sable female smiled down at the smaller female as she bounced around, falling onto her back, a small chuckle escaped her lips as she looked at her. She understood what she meant, that she wanted to be strong to protect herself and her home, Soran herself had often felt that way, but as a child she had been forced to be strong, the hardships that had befallen her had menat that she had to be tough, that she had to be able to fend for herself, to defend herself, she did not like having to be this strong, but during times of war there seemed to be no other option.
"I am sure that you are strong enough, you have survived on your own pretty well it would seem." The dark female replied, watching the girl, moving slightly to make room for her as she came to sit by her again, the sable woman looked down as she spoke once again, saying that she was ready to answer any questions that might be posed to her, the female nodded her dark head again, she was pleased that the female had responded that way, she herself would be happy to introduce her to Savina, to help her through the process, but she could not do all the talking, she knew that there would be questions asked that she would not be expected to answer. Although the ebony female did feel the need to protect the girl, to help her in any way, she knew that she needed to be able to prove that she could stand on her own four feet, to show that she was brave enough to answer any questions posed to her.
"I doubt you shall be asked anything that will be too difficult to answer, but you must be ready to answer whatever she asks, even if it seems silly at the moment it may become clear that it will be useful later on in time." The female replied, smiling at the girl again, she did hope that Savina would be welcoming to her, the dark female was a good wolf, a fair woman, she was sure that she would like her, but as with anything there was a moment of trepidation, she could not guarentee that her sable Consul would behave the way that she expected her to.

The female nuzzled against her neck and Soran smiled, it was funny how they had suddenly changed, Soran had been trying to comfort Blind only moments ago, but now the younger girl was trying to comfort her.
"I am just concerned, Savina has been stretching herself thin with the current war, I hope that she is alright." The sable female replied, her eyes scanning the nearby lands, watching them carefully for any signs of movement, she was hoping that her leader was alright, that she would come here soon and help the worrying cease. The subject was quickly changed as the girl asked about her hunting knife, asking where she had gooten it from, what it was like, a multitude of questions in fact.
"I found it in an old human home, it is not very big but it is rather sharp, humans have left many artifacts around these lands, I am sure that you might be able to find something similar if you chose to look for it." The female spoke with a warmth in her voice, she was indeed fond of this young female.

The conversation was broken by the sudden arrival of a familiar face, Soran smiled, it was nice to see her granddaughter, the bronze girl. As she spoke the ebony grandmother almost went to call her little one, but managed to catch herself, knowing that she was not ready to be reffered to as that, nor was it appropriate when she was acting as a high ranking member of the pack, coming to decide this newcomer's fate. This concerned the ebony female, she was worried that perhaps there was something wrong, why had Savina not come? She knew that the Alphess had been stretched thin during this time, especially with Anu being captured and being held hostage in the other lands, she supposed that Mati must have come knowing this, perhaps fulfilling the role that her mother could not at the moment. A smile touched her dark lips and she bowed her head to the bronze girl.
"Hello Mati, you have come in the place of Savina I take it?" She asked, smiling at the girl, she remained respectful though, in another situation the sable female might have allowed the concern to show in her voice, but as they were greeting a newcomer she had to remain polite and calm. She looked down at the younger girl who had thrown herself back into the submissive posture that she had been in when she had first met her, the ebony female smiled at her as she caught her eyes. She spoke well the female had noted, she would not have advised her to say anything else, it was a good response to the first question that was posed to her. Soran smiled at her bronze granddaughter again, trying to convey with her eyes that she trusted this girl, she did not believe her to be an Aniwayan spy and thought that she could indeed be a helpful ally to the pack.
"Mati, this is Blind, as she has said she is hoping to join this pack. I greeted her here a short while ago, in my opinion she seems to be an intelligent wolf who could be a good pack member. Blind, this is Mati, the Praefectus of our pack." The sable female introduced the pair, adding in her own opinion, hoping that it helped the dark female's case.

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