Oooh yay! A reply! Big Grin And yesss, open Tammi threads are few and far between. >_>

[/html]Somehow, it had never occurred to him that he might encounter another pack member. So, when he heard another canine approaching, he jerked his head up suddenly, surprised at the intrusion. Although only a few days ago, such a sudden movement would have sent his stomach lurching with sickness and his head swimming with dizziness, today it was a pain-free movement. He relished this feeling for a few moments before examining the other wolf. She was light -- a tan and white colour mostly, like many of the wolves here. She certainly smelled like he pack, too, so he wondered if she was a native to it. Unlike himself, she smelled like she had been there for many months, perhaps even years. She held herself with uncertainty, seeming to hesitate before him. Although Turnstone was polite, he was by no means charismatic, and therefore responded with an equal degree of uncertainty.

What could he say? He didn't want to come off as rude or too forward, especially being so new to the pack. He was just a subordinate here, anyways, even if they were just the same rank. Still, he had to show everyone respect if he wanted to earn it back.

"Hello miss," he greeted her. "I'm Turnstone." [html]

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