Homeward Bound

Yay for continuation Big Grin And this is back dated to the 21st, right after the joining thread (just thought I would mention it in case someone wanted to jump in as well, it also helps me remember XD) Just so you know Blind, I also play Rain and Kiwi Aatte, Soran's daughters, which is why I thought they could have a quick cameo (Rain's speech is in italics).

Soran was indeed very happy for the younger girl, having met her at the borders herself, she had seemed more than pleasant and already the ebony female could not help but find herself warming to the dark pelted girl. Despite the sable patrician being worried about Anu and Mati, despite the terrible weather the dark female could not help but feel light and bouyant, she really was overjoyed to have made a new friend. The rain was now coming down in sheets, the ebony pelted lady's fur was beginning to soak through, she was looking forward to the warmth and the dry area of the house, they would be there soon enough no doubt. She smiled at the younger girl as they padded towards the house, she asked a question and the lady's velvety ears swivelled to catch what she had said, she asked if becoming a Luperci would hurt. The sable female remembered that there had been pain when she had changed form for the first time, but that had not been because of the shift itself, it had been from impaling her paw on the sharp piece of flint that she now wore around her neck. She shook her head at the female, smiling slightly as she did so.
"The initial exchange of blood may hurt a little, after all you will have to recieve a cut for it to happen. Then it should take about two weeks for the change to fully happen, after this you will have your first shift. It is not painful, at least it was not for me, it is more... strange, a little uncomfortable more than anything, but once you are used to changing forms you barely notice it." Soran replied, answering her question as honestly as she could, it was strange to think on how it felt when she shifted, she rarely even thought about changing now,the actual change that was, she would be too busy thinking about what she needed to do, for example when changing into her Optime form to perform a fiddly task she would be thinking of the task at hand far more than her legs lengthening and her mane growing. She moved a little closer to the dark pelted dreamer, smiling at her, she had already confessed to being a little afraid of the thunder, so the motherly side of Soran wanted to be close to her, to provide some comfort, as if her presence might help dispell the fear of the storm.

Soon the house loomed into view, the tall wooden structure standing tall against the angry grey clouds, the sable female turned to the younger wolf and grinned.
"This is our house, welcome home." Soran said, a smile playing across her lips as she anticipated the younger girl's reaction. The house was an impressive sight, even when there was not a storm raging overhead, some helpful wolf had set about lighting candles in some of the rooms so a few of the windows held a soft warm glow. The porch had also been illumated with candles, someone had put glass covers over them so that the wind would not blow the flames out, the wind itself was whistling and howling through the trees now. The sable wolf shivered a little as they approached the house, the wind had become quite chilled, she was looking forward to getting under the eaves of the porch and shaking herself dry. As they approached the house a pair of black wolves came bounding out of the front door, one much larger than the other, the larger and older one had bright silver eyes, the smaller wolf had shaggier, longer fur than the other and jade eyes. A smile broke the sable lady's face as she saw them.
"Where on earth are you two going?" She called out to them, watching them with curiosity, wondering where on earth they might be going in the storm.
"Just off to collect some feathers mom, you know how the birds come out when it rains to collect the worms!" The older girl called, grinning at her.
"Alright, but don't track mud all over the house when you get back girls! This is Blind, she's new here." Soran replied, turning to the younger girl by her side and giving her a warm smile.
"Hello, nice to meet you! See you later Mom!" The elder girl called, the smaller one simply nodded her head in greeting and then they were gone, bouncing off of the porch and racing off into the wooded area by the house.
"Sorry about that, they're my daughters, Rain and Kiwi." The sable female said with a smile, chuckling slightly to herself. She gestured to the porch steps with a toss of her head, "shall we go and get dry then?" She asked the younger girl with a smile.

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