I'll be your Fairytail
Out of Character

WC: 300

In Character

He could feel her calming down and could see it after, he breathed a sigh, knowing it was useless fighting with her, so he let her speak when he was done. He had let her arm go as he had felt her less tense and angered. He set a sigh of relief when she told him to put it someplace safe, and he promised inside his head he would. It would not be t he history of Cercatori, but at least the beginning of it, though it would not say anything of the tragic happenings of his family this mattered little to him, calming her and getting them both back in the mood of things was all he wanted. He wanted her happy. He shook his head at her, as he moved to put the book out of sight.

“No it is my fault, I thought it would make you happy. That's all I want, that's all I care about. Nothing more, we can still revive the evening, the night's still young.”

He put his hand in the bag he hid the book in and pulled out something he had not really touched since leaving the pack. It glinted in the firelight and moonlight. He put the mouthpiece to his lips and started playing, he had gotten so used to just playing his wooden one, especially since the metal one was normally used for special occasions before, it was definitely a special occasion now. He started playing for her and moving closer letting a soft, calming tune escape from the flute, he moved around her in a slight dance, eyes enticing her to join him, though he couldn't use his hands to hold her, he was using his eyes and feet to lead the way for her.

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Table by Shannon B


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