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Naniko is in her optime form :] My apologies for not getting to this yesterday; it got pushed down to the bottom of the page pretty fast!

She'd kept her hair down for the most part today, taking two sections behind her ears and braiding those. The Angela saw no need for adornment of any kind on her body other than her weapons belt, which held an axe and a few pointed daggers. Even that belt was plain, though. Naniko wasn't the type to put up a fuss over looking a certain way; she liked things to be practical and simple, for the most part. Her mane was normally kept in one long braid down her back to keep it out of her way.

Something about this day had made her want to let it loose and work on it a bit, though. She had woken at the usual time with the puppies and had combed through it with an old shell comb that she had found long ago in the city before trimming it with her dagger and fixing it into this style. Something fresh and new. She was trekking along the border when she caught a scent, immediately turning from her scouting to head toward it. The female spent much of her time on the border, wanting to be personally assured of the pack's safety and wellbeing.

A howl made the canine's intentions clear; he was not snooping around her borders as she might have previously thought. He'd announced his own presence there. This she appreciated; it gave her a good first impression. She approached the other canine quickly, having been very nearby, and stepped out of the brush toward him. "Hello, stranger. You called?" She said, assessing the male with jade eyes. He was working on something, it seemed. Was he a craftsman, perhaps? "I am Naniko D'Angelo, the leader here."

Table by Jenny!

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