Looks like home, feels like home. Must be home.
Mido seemed to get pretty excited while explaining how much he enjoyed being here. That made sense to Jackson; he had a particular fondness for Anathema and believed that it was impossible to feel otherwise. What surprised the young male was how nice "lady Naniko" had supposedly been. The Acidic male wasn't particularly fond of the woman, and he did his best to avoid bumping into the Angela whenever possible. Everyone else around the pack seemed rather fond of her, much to his dismay. Perhaps he really shouldn't have been surprised then that this newcomer would find her pleasant as well. Jackson raised an eyebrow at the comment, but otherwise chose to remain silent on the subject of the snowy woman. "Well, I'm glad you're liking it. Best place around, in my opinion." A smirk tugged at his lips.

The older male explained that he'd handled the twisting caverns just fine with a jest that he hadn't needed any rescuing. "Heh, yeah, they take a bit of getting used to." A slight grin slipped onto his features. Jackson had spent much of his younger days getting to know the ins and outs of the caverns, so getting lost never seemed much of a threat to him. At least around the main caverns. Thinking about it reminded him of an encounter he'd had a few months prior with his half-brother. "You know, my brother Scorpius was working on a map of the caves a while back. If ya ever do get lost, he'd be the one to find," he said with a short laugh. Jackson wondered how much progress he'd made in exploring the caverns since then. It had been some time since he'd seen the coal-shaded male.


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