Looks like home, feels like home. Must be home.
Jackson nodded at the other's thanks. It was a simple enough suggestion. If Mido ever bumped into his half-brother now, they'd have a little spark to kick-start the conversation. Maybe Scorpius would get some good use out of those maps he'd painstakingly scrawled on all those sheets of paper. Jackson made a mental note to search him out some time, see how everything was going for him.

Mido went on to question him about families, finishing off by telling Jackson to call him out if he was getting irritating. The boy shook his head. "Nah, man, you're fine. As far as my family goes, my dad Ravesque and my sisters Agony and Esme live here too." He shifted his weight from one foot to the other and leaned his staff against his shoulder as he considered Mido's second question. There were only two that really came to mind, and they both had a common factor in Scorpius. "Any families specific to Anathema, huh? I mean, aside from us Acidics, there's Naniko's family, I guess. She's got a bunch of kids runnin' around here, some of 'em just pups." He shrugged. "I think she's got a sister around here too? Ehh, I dunno. Don't really keep up with them much, ya know?" And that was, of course, due in part to his self-imposed seclusion and partly from his avoidance of the snowy Angela in general.

"How about you, man? You got a family somewhere? Come here yourself?" Jackson's curiosity was finally rearing its head. He figured he'd been blabbing on long enough about himself, and he was becoming interested in learning more about his new acquaintance.


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