Least likely of suspects

OOC:: Hello

The horses snort of disagreement brought out a chuckle from the Spaniard's lungs, 'No, I didn't think you'd agree with that'. He dismounted swiftly with a low grunt, removing his hands from the shoulders of his hooved kin. 'Well, a horse such as yourself will have no trouble escaping I'm sure' he said, a solemn tinge to his words. 'Not like the other prisioners'. Spoils of war, though J'adore had no interest in them unless a possibility emerged to break them free. But as much as he racked his brain, with the guardians on full alert going anywhere near the prisioners, or aiding in any part of an escape would be social sucide. And he did not want to see his children shame by their father. So he kept his head down.

'Quera stepped forward, only a pace or so, using the same cautious method as his Spaniard master. He brayed softly, curious and interested by this darker creature. He had only met the other AniWayan horses so far, at least within Nova Scotia. He had never payed any attention to the horses he had been stuck with when he was up for trade. And Luz had been the first non AniWayan horse he had given any stock to. She was his closest friend, but his curiosity to other creatures of his kind still held high.

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