Sittin' in the sand.
It was fine. Smile!
[/html] He had been totally unprepared for the woman's touch, so when he felt her pale fingers make contact with his arm, he flinched. However, this was more out of surprise than distaste. He quickly shook his head, but then stopped and nodded when he realized shaking his head would likely give her the wrong impression. He didn't mind at all; in fact, her touch was a bit comforting. He gave her a tentative smile in return, hoping that he might be able to express himself properly without having to use words. While Claudius thrived in his bipedal form, he felt far more comfortable expressing himself in traditional canine ways: with a wag of his tail, perking his ears, or tilting his head. Any was preferable to the useless drivel that came out of his maw.

Again, she surprised him when she growled, low in the back of her throat. For someone so gentle, she had a sudden flash of fierceness that surprised Claudius. He wondered if he had ever looked like that. He nodded quietly, conceding to her suggestion, but felt necessary to point out that just because he had a few bumps and bruises here and there that it didn't mean he couldn't fend for himself. He resented the implication, and was going to keep quiet, but decided he could mention it after she was done introducing herself.

He widened his eyes a bit when she mentioned bandaging him up. Did he really look that bad? Even though he hadn't sought any medical attention, mostly because he didn't know who could do that and had no one to ask -- and because he didn't want to draw any attention to himself from Maska and Wematin -- he thought he had done a decent enough job of patching himself up.

"I-I'm C-uh-Claudius Aston," he replied slowly. "I would... li-ike that. The-e-e ba-a-anda-a-ges, I mean. I can hu-unt just f-f-ine, miss -- that's no-ot ne-cessa-a-a-ry. A-a-a-as long as your... friend... won't mi-ind, I mean... I do-on't want to... waste your s-u-u-pplies... I'm su-ure it... is... tough a-as a-a-a lo-o-oner..." He paused, and then proposed: "I-I... I ca-a-an... pay you back," he explained, "somehow."


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