the deeper the sorrow

WC: 439. The internet is really really great.. o/`

There was a mention of Liliana, who was a part of the refugee family that came to them, the family that the savages tried to take back from the Dreamers by force. The young woman nodded slowly, wondering about the horse trainer. "Oh, I wonder how they're doing.." She heard herself muttering aloud, her eyes fluttering down and looking at nothing in particular. Giselle was sure they were just as troubled about this whole event as she and the other Dreamers were, and just as skittish when they went outside.

His voice, suddenly filled with a certain malice, made the ivory girl shiver noticeably. When she turned her face up to him, his gaze was hard on his colt, focused. Pale blue eyes swam, showing their concern for his sudden brooding mood. "Oh, I ran into him.. a while ago," she tried to explain with a light tone, searching his face as if trying to read a book. "He was very kind to Tux and I. He's from a kingdom called Inferni." Giselle had no idea of the place in the north for what it truly was, but since their chance encounter she had not met the golden coyote a second time.

The expression on her face turned from one deep in thought to an encouraging smile at the man. "Oh, but surely you must try, just this once?" Gingerly, she lifted her left hand and placed it on his arm, another motion of encouragement for Silvano to learn the speech of horses. Deep in her heart she knew he would one day want to communicate with Heritage, when they learned to ride and breathe as one. But her touch only lingered, before letting it slip back onto the top of the wooden stall, feeling the heat practically blazing from her fingers. The last time she had touched, or even seen him, was their outing; 'Elle remembered the dance they shared, surrounded by the glow of thousands of floating lights. At present she cleared her throat, her eyes misting over with daydreams. Her dreams betrayed her when she slept, however, still keeping that memory alive.

"Just listen," she instructed him. Though she had only used the greeting twice to Ezekiel's own horse, she still tried to imitate it as best she could. Wrinkling her nose in preparation, she gave a quick snort through her nostrils. Heritage tossed his head, though whether it was in recognition of the word she could not say for certain. All the same, the woman smiled and looked back towards the male, his height shading her from the rays of sun that kissed the entrance.

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