If only the world wouldn't get in the way.

WC: 345. You should have smacked me for how long this took :d

There was a certain delight in Giselle's heart when the other reassured her, but her heart was still in her throat, beating with worry as the goat was losing blood. The baby creature bleated softly, and it set Giselle's ears back upon her head. Silent tears still streamed down her cheeks, her eyes swimming as they stayed focused on the animal. It was only then that she became truly aware of the stench of blood, and she felt light headed. "Th-thank you," were the only words she could manage, as 'Elle bit her lip so as not to let her choking sobs take hold of her.

The pale princess had to strain to hear the medic's next words, for her heart was hammering wildly in her throat and in her ears. Her head snapped up to look at the other female, when she admitted that dressing the wounds would hurt. She chewed her lip again, afraid for the creature and afraid to hurt him, but the young woman would not back out now. "O..okay." She nodded, with the tiniest of voices to confirm what she had heard. Giselle watched silently as the woman withdrew certain things from her bag, seemingly experienced in this field, and met her sea-green eyes with her own sky-blue ones. It was now or never, and the damsel had to be brave.

Wiping away the tears with the back of a hand, the dainty girl took a deep breath, as if she were wounded and preparing for the worst. "Yes, I'm ready," she tried to say with the most confidence the girl could muster. Leaning forward on her knees, both hands reached out to settle on the young goat's body, forgetting about the sticky blood on her fingers. In any other case, she would have run at the sight of it, but nothing mattered except to save the poor animal's life. Her upper body braced itself in case the goat were to thrash and kick out with its small and pointy hooves, feeling the drumming of her heart beat even faster.

Image courtesy of Pink Poppy Photography@Flickr; table template by the Mentors!

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