A knife in the dark [AW]

OOC here!

Faeli relaxed, instantly feeling comfortable around this fellow pack member. She blinked and looked at him.
“I appreciate your loyalty to Crimson Dreams,” she murmured, sitting up. Her legs shook with the effort, and she raised her chin, attempting to look capable even though her whole body was trembling in weakness. “And your decency to protect others as well. If only the world was filled with kind hearts like yours... nowadays the lands are filled with treachery and evil.” She shuddered as she remembered the cold and cruel death of her parents.

Suddenly, she didn't know why she was telling this luperci what she felt. It was one of the first times that she had talked to someone within her own pack... the only wolves that she had met since her parent's death were a few scraggly loners. And, she reflected, the wolf that she had associated with on the borders of Crimson Dreams... but that was when she herself had been a loner. And outsider.

She blinked and tried to change the subject. “I've only vaugely heard of the war with Aniwaya... perhaps you could explain it in greater detail? I hate being outside of pack conversations,” Faeli confessed, dropping her ears. “Oh, and sir, what is your name? Mine is Faeli, to save you a question.”

Image courtesy of mandj98@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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