the deeper the sorrow

The Sadira gave an almost sarcastic smile at the colt, but Heritage didn't know any better. He simply sniffed at the young man's arms, wondering if there were other apples to be had. Silvano put a palm on his forehead, the colt shutting his eyes briefly at the touch before shaking his head to get the arm away. "They don't take kindly to wolves, Giselle." He would not tell her what he was told, of their practices. He would not tell her of the ring of skulls around the border of their clan lands. Definitely, he would not tell her that the skulls were from other wolves, bleached white from the sun with no flesh left. He would not tell her of what they would do to a wolf who trespassed and seemed hostile. Giselle did not need to know of the blood that soaked Inferni's hands and name. "Unless you're partially coyote, they don't want you there." Silvano was being harsh and mean, but he did not want her to believe that she could go there in safety. There was nothing safe about that area of the world, it seemed.

Shrugging, Silvano risked a glance at Giselle; she was not looking at him. He did not know why, but it did not really matter in the end. "He's probably got some wolf blood in him, then," he said dismissively. He was being mean, and he did not like the way he was acting. But he felt hurt and rejected. What else could he do to hide his hurt feelings?

Again, the Sadira male shrugged his shoulders, looking at the colt who looked rather bored of his stall. Giselle had the right of it. "No, but he does know his name. We can take him to the pasture. I'm sure he'd like to run around, too." Pushing away from the wooden stall, Silvano found Heritage's halter and found a lead rope for him. Silvano was large enough to control the colt, but he did not want to risk anything. It took a moment, but Heritage had his halter on. Liliana had taught him early to be accustomed to it. Attaching the lead rope, he held it high as he unlocked the stable door and swung it open. Heritage stepped out, strutting as though he owned the world. Silvano gave a smug grin at the colt, patting his flank. "You wanted out, didn't you, boy?"

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