as wine is to friends

fixed by J. <3 wc; 700+

Bambi never really believed in a higher power. She thought that they made their own destiny, and lived over and over again. Their previous lives were blocked out, allowing them to be completely reborn. If they had been able to, it would be like cheating.. They would already know everything there was to know about life. "Where would the fun in that be?" She wanted to try to explain.. To make him understand that he was born with a flaw because he could deal with it. Because he was strong enough. But she couldn't. Her silence had once been seen as a blessing.. Something to keep her from getting tortured so often. However, now it had became a way of life. She had began to associate speaking with fear. And just like as if you were to ring a bell every day at dinner time, a critter would have a hard time relating a ringing bell to anything else.

Her eyes wandered to the critter as he backed up onto the man named Lovi's lap. It seemed some what comfortable.. And didn't look like much of a threat. It reminded her of a cat, some what. But as she studied it's features over again, she realized it would probably be closer to being in the rodent family. When she thought of rodents, she thought of small. Ferrets, mice, rats.. "Snacks." She said. But Oct seemed intelligent. Even though his speaking had proven already that he was quite smart, the way he carried himself demonstrated that their was a lot going on inside his head.

She was happy that the male didn't jerk his hand away as she placed hers on top of it. She didn't want to scare him.. "Signal.. Strong, Lovi." She said, giving his paw a gentle squeeze. Some part of her was relieved that he wasn't a slave.. If they began enslaving gentle beasts such as him, they had gone to far.. "Not that what they are doing is okay now.." She wondered if they had slaves here.. She knew that there were packs outside of this one. Her pink nose had picked up many others on her way here. "Maybe they aren't as mean to their slaves.." She thought on that for a moment, trying to figure out whether or not that made it okay. "They are still there against their own will."

"Me too." She said, releasing a quiet giggle. She didn't know what it was. They way that he said it, or the way he apologized. He hadn't enslaved her.. Why would he be sorry? There was a large possibility that the only reason she didn't understand what he meant was because she had been cut off from others for so long. None of the slaves interacted with one another 'normally'. In fact, after her mother was taken, she didn't really get to talk to others at all. "The masters must have thought that if they kept us away from each other, we wouldn't be able to plot.." She wondered if it had worked.. But even if they were allowed to talk, they would have most likely been to fearful on one of that masters hearing in on their ideas to try anything. It still amused her to this day how they actually had the nerve to try and break free.. "But it's a good thing we did." All the younger pups now had a chance at living a better life. One that didn't involve torture and such.

"Help?" She asked, excitedly. It made her happy that she could actually offer assistance, rather then having to be pushed into it as she was at the camp. Her stub of a tail began to wiggle back and forth, a bit visible to the male if he bothered to look. That was another one of the things that slavery had taken from her. She wondered if other Australian Shepherds had long, silky tails. She had gotten so used to not having one.. Her mind now stuck on the idea of tails, she looked to see if Lovi had one. Of course, he did. Most canines did.. But how was the young girl supposed to know that. She moved one of her paws towards it, pawing at it in a playful matter.

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