[M] There's thunder in our hearts
lol this is the first time i've ever played leon being angry at a woman XD

The man was relaxing in his room when he heard the scrape of the chair against the floor, his earthen ears twisted and he put down his book. Aeron was out busy with things relating to her ranks and Analise was out exploring. Analise; thoughts of his daughter made him smile, the girl was a lot happier here than she had been in AniWaya, she liked the dark and mysterious caverns, and the dark and mysterious pack as well, interested in all the different customs and traditions that its borders held. Anathema was a lot less tighter on its rules and restrictions, whilst that made it more dangerous Analise was quickly learning how to protect herself.

She had also taken to Io's apparent adoption of her and her mothering attitude like a duck takes to water, even though the younger girl stood a whole foot above her adoptive mother. He knew she would never forget her birth mother, the woman who had died to give her life but Kailypso was just that, a ghost now and unable to help in the bringing up of her daughter, who knew maybe the Italian princess had transferred some of herself to the doggish hybrid and that was why she chose to care for her. He got to his feet and strode the few steps out of his room and into the main area, with intentions to have a simple conversation with her and her name was half out of his mouth when he smelt it,

"Io..." The scent cut off his words and resulted in a flurry of sniffs and nostril flaring. It was coming from Io along with the smell of sex and trees. His teeth were revealed and he growled almost unstoppably at its stink, the demon was back and haunting him again. He would not care if she slept with a hundred men or women, anyone except him, the white devil.

"You. What have you done?" In totally unleonlike manner he roared the question at her, his voice echoing from the walls and ringing out into the caverns."With him!? Anyone but him!" Fur bristled along his spine and his tail raised and held quivering in the air, his ears brought up fully to focus entirely on her, all in all a very dominating looking posture, that no doubtedly would have caused women made of lesser will and endurance to cry.

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