Homeward Bound
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Sorry about the wait on this, it's been a really hectic weekend! We have two new pet rabbits and all sorts of things have been going on XD Are you alright? WC: 1058

pushitinThe ebony female was glad to have seen her daughters, they were new to the lands and had yet to do much venturing around them, seeing them wandering off to explore the lands, even if it was in the hunt of more feathers to adorn Rain's mane, at least they were going outside and familiarising with the lands. They would need to know their way around if they were to be involved in the war and unfortunately by being a part of this pack they were indeed involved, all of the wolves that resided here were part of the war, even if they did not want to be, Soran herself did not want to be involved in another war, but fate had taken her down that road once more, she would have to be the warrior again, to protect her pack and her family. She smiled down at the younger girl as she looked up at the large house, Soran herself remembering when she had first laid eyes upon the enormous Syemv house all those years ago, Blind was bolder than she had been though, she had avoided the house until the cool of the late autumn had forced her to find refuge. But it seemed that Blind was excited by the prospect of living within the house, it was a rather strange concept in all truth, the idea that the wolves who had taken over the lands now resided in the home of the humans, now long dead. They trod the hallways just as those long dead creatures had done, they slept in the beds that they had once slept in, it had all changed so much, but still the same routines were kept to, the house was still fulfilling the role that it had once had.
"It is rather impressive isn't it? I personally have lived in the old human houses often since I came to these lands, that was many years ago now and I suppose not really these lands. We used to reside in lands to the north of here, they have all burnt to the ground now though. But there was a pack named Syemv, most of the wolves moved here after the great fire, we used to live in a house much like this. There are communal areas, but you will be more than welcome to choose a bedroom of your own to sleep in I am sure." The sable female said with a smile, grinning at the younger girl. She was glad to see that the dark pelted girl seemed to like the house, it was her new home after all.
pushitinThe girls came and went in what seemed to be a flash, the dark mother was glad that they had remembered their manners and greeted Blind though; Rain often talked for both of them, Kiwi was terribly shy, especially when first meeting a new face, but soon enough once she was comfortable with someone she was witty and charming, it just took her a long time to get to that stage with another wolf. The sable female found that she did not have to worry about her not making friends and being alone though, Rain often forced her into situations where she met new wolves, forcing her to make friends even if she was too shy to approach them herself. She was glad that her girls had one another, Rain helped get Kiwi out and about and Kiwi helped keep Rain in check, the silver eyed girl had a short fuse, like her mother had when she had been young, without Kiwi there was often a chance of Rain doing something or saying something that would cause trouble, they were a good balance for one another. Soran smiled as Blind complimented her girls, she was always pleased when someone commented on them, she delighted in talking about them as well, though she worried that it might be quite dull for those that didn't have pups, but many of her friends had their own children so it did not matter that she talked about them often.
"Thank you very much, I like to think that the good came from me raising them of course." The jet pelted female said with a chuckle, joking with her new friend, playing with mock arrogance. The younger girl seemed a little nervous at the prospect of going into the new house so Soran took charge, padding up the stairs with confidence, enjoying the blissful dryness under the eaves of the porch. She gave herself a good shake, throwing the water droplets from her pelt as quickly as she could, trying to dry herself off before going into the house, not wanting to splatter the interior of the house with water. The ebony pelted female gave the younger girl a grin and nudged the door of the house with her head, allowing it to swing open, she stepped into the warm interior of the house, enjoying the sudden heat, the light and the protection from the rain. She smiled at the female, waiting for her to follow her into the house so that she might give her a tour.
"Are you ready to see your new home?" She asked with another smile, she was excited to see if the younger girl would be as much in awe of this house as she was of the Syemv house when she had first entered it. The house itself was warm and welcoming, the place was lit by candles, inside the scent of familiar wolves, of family lingered in the air, the rooms were spacious and comfortable. She was looking forward to giving the younger girl a grand tour of the house, she could also tell her of the rooms that she knew were taken and those that might be free for the dark brown female to reside in. She knew that many of the wolves were happy sleeping in here, though some opted to dig dens outside, wanting to be closer to nature, something that Soran respected, sometimes of course one needed to feel close to ones roots, for some sleeping within the manor felt too human, too strange. The ebony female loved it within the house though, she enjoyed being close to everyone, something that was not easy when everyone had seperate dens across the whole land.

Made by Razekiel Lykoi Smile

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