No one knows the leaves are leaving
With as in-tune as 'Zulie always was with her surroundings no one could hope to sneak through the house without her finding out, especially not daddy. Her dad-dar went off the moment the dreadlocked man awoke even though she was in another room. Father's foot-paws touched the ground and puppy head popped up simultaneously, eyes wide to greet the day as though she hadn't just been lost in a dream world. Now she was with him and already feeling rambunctious as she ran over to him and snagged a fold of his waist wrap in her teeth, yanking on the end and cinching it far too tightly on the man's waist. “Mm hewping,” she muffled through the cloth, but her eyes showed nothing but mischief. She ran around her father, trying to pull him in a circle (and having much more weight to throw around now than in the recent past) before leaping onto the bed, landing in the crumpled sheets from which her father just rose.

“Mooommmaaa! Daddy says gettup!” She howled, jostling for position with Robert. She nosed at her mother's face, pink tongue lapping out to shower her mother with a thousand puppy kisses. Her tail sliced the air and whipped at her brother's flank as it wagged merrily. It wasn't long until one nip at Skye's cheek became a nip at the opposing pup, and then the two collided like titans... very small titans... Eight legs tangled in the sheets that protected their mother and a moment later there was a resounding THUMP THUMP as they toppled over Skye and fell to the floor, a mound of fur, flailing limbs, and cloth.

Somewhere in the mix pearly white teeth chomped down on a fluffy tail, but anyone who witnessed the scene would cringe as they watched the madness. The two pups, folded over each other, didn't know their nose from their tails, and the teeth and the tail all belonged to one pup. Erzulie yelped when she realized what she had done – more from the humiliation than anything – and began whining, pressing one paw on her brother's chest and the other just above his eye and shoving him, but as entangled as they were, they could no separate. “Robert, stoooop!” she moaned, as though the auburn boy had anything to do with their quandary. “Daddyyyyyy!”


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