Spre[a]d your [w]ings and prepare to fly

Their home pack was a cocktail of various species and breeds and Caspa knew she was fairly emblematic of that, with her domestic Middle Eastern throwback looks and wolf background lending sturdy limbs and size. She knew the girl was inspecting her closely and smiled humourlessly, seeing herself through the pup's eyes as an odd creature indeed. "They will lay eggs, which are a good food, and some will hatch into more chicks," she explained in response to the eager questioning. "But of course you knew that, being named after a kind of bird..." Caspa was keen not to patronise the youngster, despite the haughty expression her face often showed, quite against her will. The next issue was harder. She wasn't sure if there was real malice behind the other chick's rough and tumble, but it did sometimes seem as if they'd decided to gang up on their weaker sibling. "They might not mean to hurt her, but maybe they don't realise how sharp their beaks and claws are." The chick in her arm suddenly made a piping squeak and Caspa scratched its back gently saying "What's that, you say you don't mind? Well I suppose we all have to learn to stand up for ourselves sometime... and its fun to play rough, eh? Remembering her own brother and sister Caspa's naturally serious face threatened to become even more solemn. "Make the most of your puppyhood Robin, like this chick you'll be grown up before you know it, that big brave hero you were telling me about, or perhaps another destiny entirely."

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