[m] World of our Own

She felt his arms go around her shoulders a heaved a deep sigh before lapsing into a heavy silence that weighed down on her shoulders like the tree that had crashed down upon her during the snowstorm, she had felt the pain of that then as well. Like him she had no idea how to progress with their unwanted and frankly now hated conversation. She wished she had never gotten up from the bed to wander out here, she wished she had simply jut turned over and cuddled him and gone back to sleep even if it was back into the grip of her nightmares and horrors, anything was better than putting him through this, maybe Lucifer had done more to her thank simply put scars onto her back and unwanted children into her stomach,

His voice was a whisper but their closeness allowed no room for misinterpretation or mis-communication, the words he spoke made her heart swell and then deflate in the span of a few seconds, was he saying that he didn't want to try again?

"I can't promise you that everything would go perfectly, I can't promise that all would survive or be alive, the weaker ones often don't make it, that is life's way, the strong survive and the weak perish. Every woman knows this, there will always be the ones that die before their time but that doesn't mean that they are any less loved or.. or that they are forgotten but we have to move on, for both our sakes, we can't live in this shadow forever or it will consume us and force us apart. I don't want that." This was her last attempt to convince him to try again, if he refused then she would ask again no more, now and in future, potentially binding herself to a life without children.

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